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Tracey D Lawrence

The Creator's Blueprint: Unveiling the Firmament and the Biblical Earth

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Examining Genesis 1:6, the Firmament and the Biblical Cosmology

Ancient Hebraic Cosmology
Rendering of Ancient Hebraic Cosmology; Biblical World View

Gen 1:6

And God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”


The firmament biblically is known to be a solid structure holding up the waters of the heavens.  This was the Hebrew understanding of the expanse. Firmament (raqi’a) can be translated “vault” or “tent,” depicting a solid expanse. From the biblical account, this doesn’t follow modern theories that the firmament being just the atmosphere. Job 37:18 says, “Can you, spread out the skies, hard as a cast metal mirror?” The firmament was thought to be hard as metal, like bronze. The word “expanse” is often used in modern translation, which does not imply that it was thought to be a solid substance.

We can look backward to find the truths about the Creation story from the biblical, that can be lost in modern ideologies. There are many details of the Creation account that we do not know. How thick is the firmament? We do not know. What is this mysterious metal-like substance that holds up the skies? Are there other creations within the thickness of the firmament? We don't know, but we to know it expels the sovereignty and glory of God over all of Creation.


It's interesting to think about the order of Creation and how it supports flat Earth imagery. The Genesis Creation account says that the Earth was created by the Lord “without form and void” (Genesis 1:2). The vault or firmament was created to divide the waters, which was below and above the vault. This part of Creation exposed the dry land, and firmament held up the waters, like vast invisible pillars,  so the earth could emerge.  On the  fourth day,  the sun, moon, and the stars were created and placed “in” the firmament. Some believe there are windows that open by God’s hand to pour out the rains. This again is part of the wonder of Creation.

The Hebrew worldview believed the sun evolved around the Earth. The Greeks introduced the idea that the Earth revolves around the sun. The important issue is for the modern reader to not change the meaning to fit scientific theories, no matter what generation of history.

Where the Waters Divide, the Firmament Resides!


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Austin Whitsit provides a 2 hour, fascinating presentation on Biblical Cosmology; Flat Earth.

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